Joe Doll [svg-developers]
2015-09-30 17:33:37 UTC
This came over Blink today. It was written by PhistucK who is something
like a moderator. Youtube uses SMIL and would be negatively impacted if
SMIL was deprecated.
"I see what you're saying that I was commenting on old data, but doesn't
this just further show the value of support for SMIL?
The team at YouTube knew that Chrome deprecated SMIL (unless none of
them ever viewed the chrome console- which would be a joke), and yet
they still saw enough value in the technology to intentionally include
it in their new HTML5 player.
It seems like the engineers at Google aren't all on the same side on
this issue. I certainly hope that the the SMIL supporters at Google (of
whom there must be plenty since they used it in a recent, major product
release) are explaining the value of this technology to the SMIL
like a moderator. Youtube uses SMIL and would be negatively impacted if
SMIL was deprecated.
"I see what you're saying that I was commenting on old data, but doesn't
this just further show the value of support for SMIL?
The team at YouTube knew that Chrome deprecated SMIL (unless none of
them ever viewed the chrome console- which would be a joke), and yet
they still saw enough value in the technology to intentionally include
it in their new HTML5 player.
It seems like the engineers at Google aren't all on the same side on
this issue. I certainly hope that the the SMIL supporters at Google (of
whom there must be plenty since they used it in a recent, major product
release) are explaining the value of this technology to the SMIL