[svg-developers] symbols for varieties of congruence
'David Dailey' ddailey@zoominternet.net [svg-developers]
2015-12-10 17:23:58 UTC
The ‘congruent to’ symbol ( ≅ or ≅ ): ‘≅’ * means, generally, to have the same shape (and size), while ‘~’ (the ‘similar to’ symbol) means to have the same shape (i.e., ‘congruent following scaling’). They both imply that rotation, reflection and translation are irrelevant.

Does anyone know of any standardized symbology to mean ‘congruent via reflection’, or ‘similar via rotation’?

I’m aware that the Noun project has putzed around some with symbols for certain things of a quasi-topological nature, but don’t know of forays in this direction.



* I just typed it using Alt+8773 in my emailer, but have no idea if it will appear in a post through svg-developers